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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Site of The Prophets

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. 
Hello readers .. Today I wanna share a list of the prophets sites. Story about the prophets in the past can be traced through the relics, a tomb, mosque, and etc. I'll gave you a list that show some historic place (site) of the prophets that spread around Arabia Jazirah, start from Prophet Adam AS until Prophet Muhammad SAW, except Prophet Ayub AS, Prophet Ilyasa AS, and Prophet Zulkifli AS whom relics didn't found.

Prophet Adam AS
  • Arafah in Saudi Arabia, place where Adam and Hawa met, now it's named Jabal ar-Rahmah.
Prophet Idris AS
  • Munaf in Egypt, place where Prophet Idris AS born.
Prophet Nuh AS
  • Armenia, the place where Prophet Nuh AS preaching to the Armenia
  • Judie mountain around Mausul River, Iraq, that estimated as a place of Prophet Nuh's boat
Prophet Hud AS
  • Ahqaf (between Yemen and Oman), where Prophet Hud AS preaching among the Ad people.
Prophet Saleh AS
  • Hijir (mountain area between Madina in Saudi Arabia and Syira). Prophet Saleh AS preaching to Thamoods  in this country.
Prophet Ibrahim AS
  • Babilonia (now Iraq), where Prophet Ibrahim AS born.
  • Ka'bah in Saudi Arabia, the first house of worship that build by Prophet Ibrahim AS and his son, Ismail.
  • Haran ( area between Dajlah River and Furat River, Palestine)
  • Aleppo (Syira area) where Prophet Ibrahim stop by on the way to Syam and place where he milking his sheep.
Prophet Ismail AS
  • Muzdalifah (Saudi Arabia), where Prophet Ibrahim AS would slaughter his son.
  • Arafah (Saudi Arabia), where Prophet Ibrahim AS together again with Ismail and Siti Hajar, his wife.
  • Barren valley between Safa and Marwah, Mecca, Saudi Arabia. There Hajar search water for Ismail and suddenly in that place the water out from springs (Zamzam Springs)
  • Hill in Mina, there are three pillars which is where pilgrims throm jumrah which is the description of event when the Prophet Ibrahim AS drive out the devil who wants to thwart Allah command to sacrifice ismail.
Prophet Luth AS
  • Sodom, where Prophet Luth AS preaching. People that live in that country didn't following Allah and like the same gender. Therefore. Allah SWT gave the punishment with destroyed Sodom people. The location of Sodom expected located in the coastal death ocean, in south-east of palestine.
Prophet Ishaq AS
  • Tomb of Prophet Ishaq ASaccording to Jewish tradition, located in Hebron, Palestine areas. Inside it also occur Prophet Ibrahim AS and Ya'qub AS tombs. They are ancestor of israelites.
Prophet Ya'qub AS
  • Kanaan, Palestine, where Prophet Ya'qub born. But some history said that he born in Nebulis country and passed away in Egypt. Jewish tradition said that he passed away in Hebron (Palestine) .
Prophet Yusuf AS
  • Egypt, where Prophet Yusuf AS grown and preaching.
Prophet Syu'aib AS
  • Madyan, where Prophet Syu'aib preaching.
Prophet Musa AS
  • Egypt, where Prophet Musa AS born when Fir'aun (Ramses II) ruled Egypt and regard hisself as god.
  • Madyan (southen part of palestine), where Prophet Musa AS escaped when chased by Fir'aun soldiers.
  • Sinai Mountain in Thuwa valley (Egypt areas), where Prophet Musa AS received his first revelation and miracle.
  • Red Sea in Egypt region devided when Prophet Musa AS and his followers running from Fir'aun, so they could cross that sea safely.
Prophet Harun AS
  • Egypt, where Prophet Harun AS accompany Prophet Musa preaching.
Prophet Daud AS
  • Betlehem, where Prophet Daud AS live then became Bani Israil king with capital city Yerusalem.
Prophet Sulaiman AS
  • Baitulmakdis, Prophet Sulaiman AS replacing his father as a king, then he build Baitulmakdis.
Prophet Ilyas AS
  • Baalbek, where Prophet Ilyas preaching to Bani Israil people.
Prophet Yunus AS
  • Ninawa, where Prophet Yunus preaching to Ninawa people.
Prophet Zakaria AS
  • Israelwhere Prophet Yunus preaching.
Prophet Yahya AS
  • Israelwhere Prophet Yahya continue his father preaching.
  • Yordan River, where Prophet Yahya purifying Bani Israil people as a signthat they were repent.
Prophet Isa AS
  • Betlehem, Palestine, where Prophet Isa AS born.
  • Zaitun Hill, Yerusalem, where Prophet Isa AS received his prophetic task.
Prophet Muhammad SAW
  • Mecca (Saudi Arabia), where Prophet Muhammad born.
  • Cave of Hira (Saudi Arabia), where Prophet Muhammad got his first revelation. Now it known as Jabal Nur.
  • Yastrib that then known with Madinah an Nabi (kota Nabi) or Madinah al Munawwarah, where the Prophet SAW hijrah.
  • Quba mosque, Build by Prophet SAW when he stop by in Quba village on the way to Madina.
  • Nabawi mosque, build by Prophet SAW with Muslim people in the center of Madina town after hijrah.
  • Badr valley, Badr war location between the Mushrikeen Quraish and Muslim people. 
  • Uhud hill, location of Uhud war.
  • Khandaq, location of Khandaq war.
  • Masjidilaqsa in Yerusalem, where Prophet Muhammad SAW start mikraj for then met with Allah SWT.
  • Mecca, location of Fath Makkah event.Where muslim people cleaned Ka'bah.
source: ensiklopedi islam untuk pelajar

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