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Friday, June 3, 2011

Summon Night - Twin Age Story - chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Torn Apart

In the next morning, Reiha and Aldo standing in front of their house.
"How is it, Aldo?" Reiha asked Aldo
"It looks the wind's died down a bit... But I wonder how everyone else is doing..." replied Aldo
"I'm worried about the other people on the island. We should check on them."
"We're pretty vulnerable, with us all split up like this. It's not safe."
"Yes... We were able to win because we worked together, but some people live alone."
"Yeah. Plus, some people could have been sick or asleep. ...I'm really worried about them. Let's check the tide and see if it's safe to go."
"Okay. Oh, do you have your Janar Stone with you? I don't want anything to happen to us at a time like this."
"Yeah, I have it."
"If we stay near each othr, the stones will glow. That way we won't get split up! Well I don't want to lose it, so I'll put it in my bag for now."

Then both of them walked to the beach, not too far from their house.
"The ocean looks calmer. I think we'll be able to cross it now." Said Aldo seeing the ocean.
"It might get rougher at a moment's notice, so we should get moving.(then Reiha seeing something in a distance) I wonder what that is? ...I think something's on the beach. Let's take a look.(then she walked immediatly to that 'something')"
"Reiha?(Aldo followed her)"

They saw a crate with a crescent moon - look like sign on top of the crate.
the crate

 "This mark... This crate must be the Bahal Tribe's." Explain Reiha.
"It probably washed up here during last night's storm."
"(The Bahal... A family of Kascuza merchants that roam the sea in a floating shop.)(They're the only way we can get things to buy here on the island.)" Reiha remembered about the Bahal Tribe.
"(For them to lose a whole crate from their ship... That must have been a really bad storm.)What should we do with it?"she asks Aldo after thinking about it.
"Hmm... I'm sure they're looking for it, We should take it back to them." Advice Aldo.
"Right... They must be in trouble if they lost an entire crate in that storm."
"Ahoy!" they heard someone called them
"Aldo, Reiha! You found our moichandise! Schweet, tanks! I was puttin' out some new items when a huge wave swept them off the ship! I'm glad I found 'em!" And he is the owner, he looks really glad.
"We only found this one box. Are you missing anithing else?"Ask Aldo to the owner.
"Naw! Luckily, that's the only one that went overboard. You two oughta come by and check out the wave of bargains in the shop!" Said the owner before he left them.
"If we're going to Marbado, we should stock up on things we might need. We don't know what we're  going to face over there." Said Reiha to Aldo.
"Sure." Accept Aldo.

After that they head to the shop named 'Dolphin Song' shop. And they talk to the owner.
"Hmm..." the owner looks confused.
"What's wrong?" Ask Reiha.
"The ship took some damage in a recent storm, so I'm gonna have to repair it. Problem is, I'm runnin' low on materials. Our wholw shtick is that the shop moves around, so I really need to fix it. i need those materials, but I also haveta organize the merchandise... (then he thinks a bit) Hey! Reiha, Aldo. Would you mind gathering the materials for me? I'll pay you for the trouble."
"Sure, I'll go." Accept Reiha with pleasure.
"Oh, man. That's great! All I need is 10 iron ores. I need 'em pretty quick, so get a move on!"
After that Reiha and Aldo bought some merchandise for their next adventure to Abada Canyon.

Then they go to the Abada Canyon.
"I've never seen Spirits act like that before in my life. I wonder what's going on?" Said Aldo to Reiha on the way.
"If anyone knows anything about what's happening, it would be Ingiell. We don't know the first thing about the ocean. I'm sure he can help us."
"Yeah, it might just be something that happens every decade or so. But..." Aldo didn't continue what just he said
"Those Spirits were different..."
"Different" What do you mean?"
"Like... They were in pain. Suffering. What was happening wasn't normal."
"I... see..."
"I don't think that kind of thing is natural..."
Just suddenly some kind of earthquake shaking them.

"What's happening...? What's going on?" Said Reiha while she's shocked.
"The Spirits...! Argh...!"
"Are you okay, Aldo!?"
"...This isn't good...! The ocean...! It's...!" He looks really panic.
"No! Look out, Aldo!" Said Reiha worriedly.
"...! Reiha!"
Out of the blue, a really big wave coming to them and...
They washed up to the beach.
"...Ughh... Argh... Aldo...?" Reiha waked in a beach. "Th-The Spirits..." "Aldo!? Where are you!?" She looks really worried. "Oh no... He must have been washed away by that wave... Oh, I know! If Aldo is nearby, then my Janar Stone will glow! W-wait... Where's my bag? Oh, no...! My Janar Stone was in it! What di I do now?"
The spirits coming around her
"What...? The Spirits are gathering...? Maybe Aldo's trying to find me... Spirits... Let me hear your voices..."
"...... Reiha... Can you hear my voice...? I'm okay..." Aldo's voice heard from the spirits.
"Aldo! It's Aldo's voice!"
"I'm... head... Marbado... Let's meet..." The spirits fading.
"No! The Spirits are fading out! I can't hear him!
"...Please, Reiha... safely..."
"No...! Aldo!" Then the spirits gone "Aldo... Well, now I know he's okay. I think he said that he was going to Marbado. I'm worried about my Janar Stone, too... But I can't leave Aldo all alone... I should go talk to Ingiell before we get there. If I get there first, I'll ask Ingiell what happened, I should ask him how the people in Marbado are... I wonder how everyone else is. I hope they're okay... I need to get going to Ingiell's house."
Then she starts walking to Marbado
"The Spirits are restless... It's like they're in pain. Even the air around here feels... tortured, somehow.I'm going to have to concentrate really hard to use their powers. Aldo must be feeling bad when the spirits are upset like this. I'm getting worried... I have to go find him!"

While she walks to the Marbado, "..."
"That voice... It must be Aldo. Where are you, Aldo!? Are you nearby!? Is that you, Aldo!?" She saw something there.
But then, she didn't got Aldo, but a Yodomi!!
"That's a Yodomi! Why is it here?"
"Kekeke... Kkkkk! Kkkk!"
Then Reiha can't do anything but fight the Yodomi! And of course she won the fight.
" I can't believe that the Yodomi are on the island... What's going on?"
"Reiha...?" someone called her.
"Oh... I think I hear him! Aldo?" And that voice was Aldo.
"Huh!? Wha--!? Reiha!?" Aldo looks shocked.
"Aldo... Finally...! " Reiha relieved.
Then Aldo running and hug Reiha happily.
"H-Hey! What's wrong, Aldo?"
"Reiha! You're alive!"
"Hey! Why would I be dead?"
"Woah! Sorry! I found this... I thought something terrible happened to you."
"Oh! That's my bag! Where's all my stuff?"
"When I found it, it was torn up like this. I think a Yodomi did it."
"Noooo! It took my Banna Cakes! And all my spare Banna Berries, too!"
"I wonder... Was it after the Janar Stone, or was it just hungry? Oh, well... Anyway, Aldo..."
"I'm glad you're okay!" both of them said it together.
"I was so worried! You aren't hurt, are you? You fight a Yodomi too, right?" Ask reiha worriedly
"Hang on a sec... Did you fight a Yodomi here before I did? Are you okay, Reiha!?" Aldo looks worried about Reiha too.
"Yes, I'm fine. I was really surprised to see them here, though... "
"Yeah... I think there are a lot of more of them out there. I hope Ingiell and the others are doing okay..."
"Yes. I'm worried about them too. We should get going."
"Hsssss..." Suddenly a group of Yodomi come to them, and there they are.

After they beat the Yodomis
"The Filth... I think it's weakening." Aldo noticed something.
"They didn't even give us time to talk, did they?"
"Come on, let's get to Marbado. You look tired..."
"Yes... I do feel like taking a break, but... I... Ah..."
"Ahhhhh!" She suddenly shout about something.
"Woah! Wh-What's going on!?"
"It's a Banna tree! Wait here, Aldo, okay?" She looks really happy.
"You and your Banna Berries... They always cheer you up. I'm glad to see you can still be happy after all that's been going on." 

Banna Berry

"What are you talking about? My bag's empty. We have to think about our supplies. I don't have any flour to bake a cake... But Banna Berries alone are tasty!
"I suppose so. I was really looking forward to that cake, though." He looks disappointed a bit-
"Hey, Aldo. Were you lonely without me?"
"N-No. I wasn't lonely. But... Um..."
"I was worried that you might be scared while you were all alone."
"Ha, I wasn't scared!"
"Well... Maybe a little. But I'm the older sister! I'm fine!"
"Is that how this family thing works?"
"I feel bad about making my little brother worry about me, though..."
"I wish you would depend on me a little more."
"Okay, okay. Why don't you hold onto these Berries for me until we get to Marbado?"
"I said 'depend', not 'use'!"
"Ahahah! Let's go, Aldo."
"Okay, okay."

Okay, this's the last, for moreover just play the game!

source: summon night twin age nds game

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