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Monday, January 17, 2011

The Beautiful Cloud


 Particles of water or ice crystal in the atmosphere is called "cloud". Cloud also role on water cycle in earth. But, the cloud with storm can destroy things and living creature above the earth's surface. 

Clouds formed from evaporation procces. Cloud can be classified according to it's shape and height.Based on cloud's shape, cloud classified to 3 group, the one that layered or called "stratus", the one that looks like fiber or called "sirus", and the last one that shaped piles or called "kumulus".

According to it's height, clouds also cllassified to 3 group, low clouds, middle clouds, high clouds. Low clouds lies at a height of 0-2 km. This cloud consist of stratokumulus, stratus, kumulus, and kumulonimbus. The middle clouds consisit of altokumulus, altostratus, and nimbostratus. These clouds is at a height of 2-7 km. And the High clouds is at a height 5-13 km. This clouds consist of sirus, sirokumulus, and sirostratus.

source : ensiklopedi umum untuk pelajar

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