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Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Black Muslims

Elijah Muhammad
An Islamic group that grow in the U.S. in the early 20th century. This group at the first known with Black MuslimNation of Islam, and then American Muslim Mission. Black Muslims grew into a religious and nasionalist  group of African descent in America.This group was established by Wallace D. Fard in Detroit on year 1930, and immediately attracted many followers. They consider Wallace as a "Prophet". When Wallace disappear mysteriously on year 1934, he was replaced by Elijah Muhammad, that moves the headquarters organization to Chicago, then he make it into a large influental organization.
Wallace D. Fard is also known with other name, Wallace Fard Muhammad, Farrad Muhammad and Wali Farad. Before he established Black Muslims, Wallace has ever joined with American Moor people, that established on year 1913 by Noble Drew Ali. Wallace also had established Fruits of Islam, teens organization that give martial arts training as a tool the defends the black.
The succes of Black Muslims also got because Malcolm Little (1925-1965), a pastor's son. After he conferted to Islam, he changed his name to Malcolm X. Malcolm X became the Black Muslims hardest spokesman, both in the country and out of the country. With Martin Lither King Jr., he critize injuctice based on race in U.S. But he rejected King's anti-violence stance.
Elijah Muhammad is a son of a pastor in Georgia. He met Wallace and then replaced hin leading Black Muslims.

source : Ensiklopedi Islam untuk pelajar

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