About me

Friday, February 25, 2011

Rabi'ah Adawiyah ~

Hello, anyone ... or maybe no one.. yeah saya akan menuliskan tentang seorang wanita bernama Rabi'ah Adawiyah. Beliau adalah seorang sufi wanita yang amat terkenal pada sejarah kejayaan islam. Beliau dikenal dengan doktrin cinta pada Allah SWT.

Beliau juga terkenal karena pernah berbicara seperti ini:
"Ya Allah, kalau aku menyembahMu karena menghindar dari neraka-Mu, campakkan saja aku ke neraka. Kalau aku menyembah-Mu karenaberharap surga, tutup pintu-Mu rapat-rapat. Tapi kalau aku menyembah karena mengharap rahmat-Mu, jangan pisahkan aku dari rahmat-Mu."

Ya, menurut kalangan tertentu itu dibilang sombong tapi, coba deh pikirin lagi kalau kita menyembah Allah SWT karna ngarepin masuk surga, bukan karena mengharapkan rahmat-Nya atau cinta-Nya. maka ibadah kita bukan semata mata karna Allah SWT, tapi karna pengen surga-Nya. iya kan??

Awalnya Rabi'ah adalah seorang budak yang didapat dari perang. Ia ditangkap dan dijual pada saudagar pemilik toko besar di kota Baghdad. Rabi'ah sangat rajin mengerjakan pekerjaan yang diberikan padanya. Sayangnya tuannya sering memberikan pekerjaan yang banyak sekali. Meskipun begitu, Rabi'ah yang masih muda jarang mengeluh dan sering menghabiskan malamnya dengan shalat dan bermunajat pada Allah SWT. Lama kelamaan, hatinya dipenuhi rasa cinta yang begitu dalam hanya kepada Allah SWT. Dalam do'a Rabi'ah, ia lebih sering menangis seperti merindukan kekasihnya.

Pada suatu malam, majikan Rabi'ah terbangun. Lalu dia melewati kamar Rabi'ah dan mendengar Rabi'ah merintih dan menangis. Sang majikan terkejut dan bingung, maka dia nguping ke dinding. Rabi'ah terdengar terisak isak sambil mengucapkan, "Wahai Tuhanku, malam akan segera berlalu, dan rinduku belum habis dalam mencintai-Mu. Namun apalah dayaku? Majikanku yang kepadanya Engkau telah menitipkan diriku, akan memintaku untuk melakukan pekerjaan-pekerjaan harianku. Ampuni aku karena terlalu sebentar bercengkrama dengan-Mu, karena aku pun tak ingin mengecewakan majikanku."

Setelah mendengar itu dia pun mengintip Rabi'ah yang sedang berdo'a itu dan dia melihat sebuah lampu berayun-ayun meneranginya tanpa seutsa tali. Ia pun sangat kaget dan ketakutan, keesokan paginya sang majikan membebaskan Rabi'ah. Rabi'ah merasa senang sekali, ia pun langsung sujud syukur pada Allah SWT. Lalu ia pun membangun sebuah pondok tak jauh dari kota Baghdad dan menghabiskan waktunya beribadah pada Allah SWT. 

source: remaja bau sorga hang out bareng orang saleh

Monday, February 14, 2011

Native deen ~ When rap music meet Islam ~

Band rap Muslim Amerika, Native Deen, menceritakan tentang bagaimana musik tidak pernah bertentangan untuk menjadi seorang Muslim yang taat.

"Masalahnya kita bicara tentang deen (agama dalam bahasa Arab) Islam adalah asli untuk setiap orang," dalam sebuah wawancara eksklusif dengan IOL.

"Kami menginginkan sesuatu dengan Arab di dalamnya tapi tidak terlalu sulit untuk diucapkan," ujarnya.

"Kami menginginkan sesuatu dengan bahasa Inggris di dalamnya sehingga kita datang dengan nama Native Deen."

Ketiga anggota dari grup hip hop Muslim Afrika-Amerika tersebut, Joshua Salaam, Abdul-Malik Ahmad dan Naeem Muhammad, membentuk grup mereka pada tahun 2000.  Semenjak itu mereka telah menggunakan musik mereka untuk mendorong agar Muslim untuk lebih taat lagi namun pada saat yang sama mencoba untuk menghantarkan isu yang mungkin mereka hadapi, seperti tekanan dari rekan sebaya atau penghinaan, sementara mereka melakukan bagian mereka untuk menyebarkan semangat nyata mereka di bulan Ramadhan.

“Kami mencoba untuk menyajikan sebuah alternatif musik yang menyenangkan, dapat dinikmati bagi Muslim yang berharap untuk menjadi orang Amerika sejati, namun menginginkan untuk mengikuti ajaran agama mereka,” ujar Ahmad. “Dalam video tersebut, kami berkeliling dunia dan bertemu dengan Muslim dari berbagai etnik dan menikmati persatuan dan perasaan persaudaraan yang dibawa oleh bulan Ramadhan.
Namun pada akhirnya kita semua bermasa-sama datang di sebuah Masjid Amerika yang berbasis di Sterling, Virginia, untuk menampilkan sebuah acara yang menunjukan budaya Muslim Amerika telah muncul dengan cepat.”

Masjid yang diikutkan dalam video mereka adalah Masjid All Dulles Area Muslim Society, atau Pusat ADAMS. Dua minggu sebelum video tersebut diambil, Native Deen mengirimkan undangan untuk anggota komunitas untuk bergabung sebagai pemain figuran dalam pengambilan gambar tersebut.

Native Deen diambil dari dua gabungan bahasa. Native, yang berarti asli, atau murni. Sedangkan Deen adalah bahasa Arab untuk agama atau jalan hidup. Muslim percaya bahwa cara hidup yang alami, asli, bagi seluruh mahluk itu adalah Islam, karena Islam adalah agama dimana anda dapat berserah penuh ke satu-satunya Pencipta, dengan hidup sesuai dengan hukum alam dan tidak bertentangan dengannya.

Tiga pemuda ini dibesarkan sebagai Muslim di Amerika muncul sebagai kelompok Nasyid Islami dan telah memberikan inspirasi kepada penggemar mereka di seluruh dunia. Menarik inspirasi mereka sendiri dari pesan-pesan dalam Islam. Musik Native Deen meminta para pendengarnya untuk menjaga iman mereka, untuk terus menjalani hidup yang lebih baik, dan tidak menyerah kepada tekanan dan godaan dari masyarakat modern.

Native Deen hanya menggunakan instrumen perkusi, sesuai dengan mayoritas opini Muslim mengenai instrumen musik. Namun ini tidak menghalangi kreatifitas musikal kelompok itu, namun justru menghasilkan sebuah upaya audio yang berupa peleburan street rap, Hip-hop, dan R&B.
Kelompok yang telah menduduki salah satu peringkat 5 band lokal teratas di genre musiknya di MySpace, telah menginspirasi jutaan orang dari berbagai usia dan etnis dari seluruh dunia.

Native Deen telah berkeliling ke lebih dari 60 kota di Amerika, Afrika, Asia, Eropa dan Timur Tengah, mempromosikan Islam dan hubungan antar keyakinan yang positif, dan telah melakukan penampilan bersama legenda seperti Yusuf Islam (sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Cat Stevens).  Single terbaru mereka akan ada dalam album ketiga mereka, setelah dua album pertama mereka yang diterima dengan baik, "Deen You Know" dan "Not Afraid to Stand Alone."

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Summon Night - Twin Age Story - chapter 0

In this world, all natural events are caused by spirits from another world. The wind that moves the trees… the flames that push the darkness away… The life stemming from the earth itself… the light illuminating the world… These all occur because of influences from other world: the Spirit Worlds. There are two races living here: The Kascuza, who live by working with Spirits , and the Humans who get power by making spirits work for them. Even now the two races are probably fighting somewhere over this moral issue… However, war has not yet come to Jarazi, a small island of Kascuza. The Kascuza have a name for this world: “Clardona”.

Chapter  0 – The Changing Wind

From a building, a girl came out and her name is Reiha
 “Ahhhhh! I’ve finished cleaning!”  Reiha raise her hand.
“Sheesh, that boy eats so much. It’s such a hassle making all that food…”  said Reiha to herself.
Then a boy named Aldo came to her.
“Huh! Aldo! What are you doing there…?”Shout the girl to Aldo.
Aldo looks hurt, then Reiha came to help him.
“Wait…! What’s wrong!?” Reiha ask the boy carefully.
*cough... cough…*
“Are you okay? Are you choking on something? Get a hold of yourself.” Said Reiha to Aldo.
Aldo get up and said “Ahahaha! Phew, that scared me. I got a piece stuck in my throat, and I thought I was going to die!”
“Don’t scare me like that! What were you eat –“ it looks Reiha remembered something.
“Noooooo! Aldo! you ate it! you ate the banna cake! I told you to leave some for breakfast tomorrow!” Reiha so upset with Aldo.
“Well, yeah but… uh… sorry?”
Aldo is Reiha younger brother. They aren’t really related, but they’re family. He is a Summon Beast that Reiha summoned 7 years ago. They’ve lived together since then. Reiha lost her father in an accident around that time, but She has got Aldo. She has her father necklace, it’s the only thing She has that was him … They  treat each other like family since they were sent to the Kascuza village of Marbado, and now that they’re grown up, they’re still together there. Although… Sometimes, when Aldo goes and eats all Reiha’s cake like that…
“Aw… I used all our Banna Berries on that cake. I’ll have to go get some more… I thought it might not be as good, since I canged the recipe today… Well, you did snarf it down really fast, so it must be good Heh heh…” Reiha has forgive him.
“It was so good that I choked on it!” said Aldo cheers Reiha.
“Sheesh Aldo! I guess I’ll have to go up on the hill and gather some more Berries for us.”
“Then I’ll go for a walk too. It seems like there’s a good breeze blowing.”
“Wait a minute, Aldo! You still have some work left to do today! You have to go fishing soon, or I won’t have any fish to make curry with.”
“It’s curry night!? Awesome!”
“You’re just so happy on curry days… You’re nuts, Aldo. I’ll make you some Banna Juice when I get back.”
Then something shining come to them
“Oh…? The Wind Spirits…” said Reiha
“I think they have a message… but I can’t tell who sent it. Could it be Ingiell?”
Ingiell saved their lives. He took them in Marbado when they were younger. He’s the leader of the Garbah Tribe of Kascuza on the island. Reiha doesn’t know why the Kascuza split into tribes, though…
“A message from the Wind Spirits… I wonder if something’s happened?” said Aldo to his older sister.
“It might be important… The spirits are gathering on the hill. It’s on my way so I’ll stop by to listen. I hope it’s good news”
“Me, too. I’m counting on you, Reiha.”
“You should start fishing Aldo. That’s what I’m counting on you to do.”
“I know, I know.”
Then they’re go on their own way. Aldo goes fishing and Reiha goes to the Spirit Hill.
“Ah, this feels nice. It’s really pleasant up here on the hill. The best fruits grow up here, and it’s always so calm… <3 And Banna Berries grow all over the place… Ah, it’s so nice.” Then she looks at the spirits.
“Oh. That must be the message.(she come closer to the spirits) …… I can hear… it’s Ingiell’s voice.”
Then Ingells voice started heard“…………..Reiha… I entrust the Spirits with these words… There will be a festival to celebrate Princess Ayn’s Rite of Spirits. Everyone’s anticipating the day Princess Ayn becomes the spirit King’s daughter. Reiha, Aldo… We have decided to hold your coming of Age as well. You must return your Janar Stones and be declared an adult among our people.”
“(Oh, that’s right. We have to give our Janar Stones back to Ingiell. It’s a stone that we can use to communicate in emergencies. It’s a charm that we hold dear until the Coming of Age ceremony. They’re really convenient, because it’s easy to tell when Aldo’s around. But, I guess we don’t have any choice…)”
“You can sleep at Princess Ayn’s. I know she’d be glad to have company. …sometimes……should…”
“(the spirits became weird) Huh…? The Spirits…?”
“…ake… …look…for… …………!”
“What’s going on!? What’s wrong?(The spirits are suffering! What’s happening?)(the spirits then disappear) Wh-What is this!?”
“krikkit krikkle” something sounds weird came closer
“Wha--!? Why is that here!?”
“Keeeeeeee!” a monster started fight her.

Reiha fight that creatures and she couldn’t escape. But then with her magic, she won the fight. Then the sky turn to dark.
“That’s the first time I’ve seen something like that out here… Oh no, they might be out where Aldo is, too!”
“Krisssh!” three creatures come to Reiha
“What? There were more!?” Reiha shocked seeing these creatures.
“Krikkrikkrik… Krak…”
“They’re acting funny… Are they being influenced by the spirits?”
“Reiha! (Aldo’s voice heard and he came to help her)”
“Stay away from Reiha!”
Then they fight the monsters together. Reiha using her magic and Aldo using his sword. And of course they won against the monsters.
“You okay, Reiha!?” ask Aldo.
“Are you okay? Why are you here…?”
“The spirits were frightened so I came up here to check on them, and… I… I thought something was wrong, but I didn’t know this would happen!”
“What…? I feel something bad coming!”
“What’s going on!? The Spirits are gathering… (the spirits become dark)”
“The Spirits … They’re full of darkness!(then a wind looks monsters came out) What exactly is this!? I’ve never seen anything like this…”
“…Grrrrrraaaaah!” The monster come
“Aldo, please… “ Reiha ask aldo
“I’ll take care of this! Go and tell the others about what’s happening here!”
“No, I can’t do that! I can’t leave you behind! I don’t want to be without you, Reiha!”
 “Grrruhaaar!”the monster sounds angry
“…You’re right. That’s the only way.  Let’s face it together!” Reiha accept Aldo’s offering
“All right!”
Then the fight couldn’t be stopped until one of them die. At the end Reiha and Aldo were win.
“It’s no use… This feeling… The Spirits are still out of control… At this rate, they’ll affect the entire island”said Aldo
“We have to calm them down somehow… Aldo, help me call out them.”
“All right.”
“…Spirits that control all parts of this world… Remember your old selves, and flow along your original paths… Follow the threads of life and death, of hopes and dreams, and become whole!”
(The spirits become calmer then)
“…Phew. It seems like they’ve calmed down, for now… Those Wind Spirits were corrupted by darkness. I wonder what’s going on…”
“I don’t know, but it looks like the local animals are full of an evil presence… It’s a sign of the filth…”
“Filth!? No, it can’t be! Oh no! I wonder if everyone in the village is safe! And Ingiell!” Reiha shocked
“The spirits aren’t stable enough to use them to send a message to Ingiell…”
“The Water Spirits will be making the ocean too rough to cross over to Marbado…”
“All we can do is wait…” said Aldo wisely
“I suppose so. Let’s wait until tomorrow, Aldo. Tomorrow, okay..”
So they’re wait until tomorrow . At the night Reiha was standing in front of their house worriedly.
“(I wonder if something really bad happened to make the Filth come out here… I don’t even know enough to know if I should be afraid… *sigh* … “said Reiha to herself.
“Are you awake, Reiha?” Aldo come to Reiha.
“Yes, I was just thingking…”
“I understand how you feel, but you have to sleep. If the village is facing the same things we are, it’s going to be tough…” said Aldo to calm Reiha
“Right… I should catch some sleep while I can.”
“Let’s get up early to get ready. I’d like it if you made some Banna Cake.”
“Okay, leave it to me! Instead of box lunches, I’ll bake a lot of cakes.”
“Then, good night Reiha.”
“Good night, Aldo…”

source: summon night twin age nds game

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Favorite song lyrics

Okay, hello anyone there.. anyone .. or maybe no one

This time I will write some lyrics of my favorite songs.

The first one is Life is like a boat - Rie fu. And the second one actually is an original soundtrack of a game that I played, but I don't know too much about it, the tittle is Calling ost. of The World Ends With You.

Yeah, I like the first song because the I think the song looks like my life, quiet weird isn't it? And the second one is a pop-rock song, I like it because I just like it.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Puisi Hasan al Bashri

Halo .. actually I'm too tired using english.. therefore saya akan gunakan bahasa Indonesia ..
Sebelumnya saya melihat ke dinding .. dan lalu saya melihat kertas kertas yang memang sengaja di tempelkan .. salah satu di antaranya berisikan puisi yang menurut saya indah .. 
ini puisinya :

Aku tahu, rizkiku tak mungkin diambil orang lain
Karenanya hatiku tenang
Aku tahu, amal-amalku tak mungkin dilakukan orang lain
Maka, aku sibukkan diriku bekerja dan beramal
Aku tahu, Allah selalu melihatku
Karenanya, aku malu bila Allah mendapatiku melakukan maksiat
Aku tahu, kematian menantiku
Maka, kupersiapkan bekal tuk' berjumpa dengan Rabbku

Puisi Hasan al Bashri

Itu dia puisinya entahlah tapi entahlah